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Determine if the material and the tensile strength of different types of skateboard wheels significantly affects the friction co-efficient- and therefore the velocity- of a skateboarder.It is an educa ...

Crickets chirp at regular intervals. The length of the interval depends upon the temperature. This project is not necessarily to demonstrate that this is true- it is- but to quantify exactly how accur ...

The project addresses a perennial argument between parents and children: is it OK to listen to music while you are studying?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of th ...

The objective of this project is to model industrial oil spills and determine if they have a significant impact on wildlife that lives beneath the surface of the water. Daphnia Magna will be the model ...

Daphnia, otherwise known as water fleas, have a circulatory system similar to mammals. Most importantly, they have a chambered heart, which can be seen beating under a microscope. With a stopwatch and ...